The draft Agreement was developed in accordance with the Plan of the Strategic Direction for the Development of the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025, adopted jointly by the Eurasian Economic Commission and the governments of the member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the Union).
The creation of a unified customs transit system of the Union, by analogy with the Convention on International Road Transport, will create general conditions regarding the application of the customs procedure of customs transit, the creation of unified guarantee mechanisms based on guarantees, reducing the volume of general security for bona fide declarants, the use of navigation seals, as well as the possibility of joining international integration associations and non-member States of the Union.
Since this draft Agreement is a treaty of international importance, experts from interested state bodies of the member States of the Union in the field of international law, economics, transport, customs and tax regulation participated in its development, with the participation of business representatives, taking into account the specifics of the national legislation of all member States of the Union.
The use of a unified customs transit system using an electronic transit declaration and attached documents will reduce the time for filing and issuing a transit declaration, speed up customs control at checkpoints, reduce the time the goods are in transit, and a tracking mechanism using navigation seals will ensure the delivery of goods to their destination and minimize the risks of non-delivery.
In addition, as part of the implementation of common processes for tracking goods during transportation, regulatory authorities, the shipper, the consignee will be able to monitor the progress of the movement of vehicles from the country of departure to the country of destination.
The draft Agreement from April 2, 2024 to April 16, 2024 is posted on the portal of open NPAs for public discussion (https://legalacts.egov.kz/arm/admin/viewcard?id=15000435), as well as on the official websites of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the following link:
The online discussion will take place on April 17, 2024